National Seminar on Nanomaterials:
Synthesis and Applications

5 and 6 June, 2024

The world of nanomaterial science is moving forward really fast, covering such a wide range of areas that it's a real challenge for anyone to keep up, unless you're completely into the subject. To deal with this, universities and industries have to work hard to inspire the next generation of scientists and engineers, giving them the essential skills to handle the challenges of this new era.
The main goal of the NSN’24 conference is to thoroughly explore the big picture of nanomaterials and all the different things they can do. Most importantly, we want to make it easy for researchers who are really into this stuff to share their experiences and knowledge on a national level. The scientific program of the seminar is carefully put together, with interesting talks, discussions, oral presentations, and poster sessions. Nanomaterials, because they can be used in so many different ways, offer a bunch of opportunities in areas like microelectronics, pharmaceuticals, and clean energy.
This scientific event is dedicated to the innovative field of nanomaterials, with particular emphasis on their various applications. This event will serve as a catalyst for advancing the field of nanomaterials, thereby making notable contributions to interdisciplinary research in this area. As we immerse ourselves in the exciting and innovative world of nanomaterials, we anticipate this conference will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of this dynamic field in our country.

IMPORTANT DATES ABSTRACT SUBMISSION Authors are invited to submit abstracts, not exceeding 250 words, using the specified format available on the website. Abstracts can be submitted on any of the listed topics. It is mandatory for at least one author or co-author to register for paper presentation at the conference.
An abstract proceedings publication with ISBN number will be produced, incorporating all accepted and presented papers.
Selected papers from the conference will be submitted for possible publication in the International Journal.
The abstract must be written in English, and should be submitted via:

Topics of interest include:

LANGUAGE English is the language of the conference

PROGRAM The program of NSN’24 includes:

Pièces Jointes :

Plateforme numérique pour l'inscription en cycle licence et master quota 20% et 80%
Study in Algeria
incubateur de l'Université de Boumerdes (UMBB)

Centre des Réseaux et Systèmes d'Informations et de Communication
Plate forme d'enseignement à distance

Le centre d’enseignement intensif des langues
Les revues scientifique de l'université
La messagerie de l'Université de Boumerdes

Stage ou une manifestation scientifique à l'étranger
Dépôt Institutionnel de l'Université M'Hamed BOUGARA de Boumerdès
Lettres d'Informations de l'Université de Boumerdes