The second National Conference on Green Energy
(NCGE’2024) is a peer-reviewed conference on Renewable and Sustainable Energy which will be held at the University of Boumerdès, Algeria during December 15-16, 2024. The conference serves as an exclusive forum for researchers, academics, and industry professionals to present and discuss the latest technological advancements as well as future directions and trends in the field of Renewable and Sustainable Energy. The conference will include several keynote lectures, academic discussions, oral and poster presentations, technical workshops, and a social event that will provide huge networking opportunities for all the attendees. Join us at NCGE’2024 to be a part of this important event shaping the future of Renewable and Sustainable Energy.
Conference Topics
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
- Renewable Energy Generation, Conversion and Efficiency
- Solar energy conversion systems,
- Wind energy conversion systems,
- Alternative renewable energy systems as biomass, Geothermal… etc.
- Hydrogen Energy Production, Transmission and Safety
- Hydrogen systems and enabling technologies,
- Thermochemical (combustion), photochemical, electrochemical (fuel cells),
- Economic and environmental impact.
- Monitoring and Supervision of Renewable Energy Conversion Systems
- Optimal control and efficiency tracking of renewable energy systems,
- Fault detection and isolation techniques,
- Artificial Intelligence-based renewable energy systems,
- Internet of Things (IoT) based renewable energy systems.
- Materials for Green Energy
- Materials for renewable energy storage and conversion: Batteries, Supercapacitors, Fuel cells, Hydrogen storage, Photovoltaic cells,
- Materials for energy-saving Thermoelectrics, novel illumination sources for efficient lighting, and energy-saving in buildings,
- Materials modeling and theoretical aspects.
- Smart materials for energy harvesting
Important Dates
- Full Paper Submission Deadline: September 19, 2024.
- Acceptance Notification: October 31, 2024.
- Conference Date: December 15-16, 2024.
Participation fees
- Students 5000 DA
- Academics 8000 DA
- Industrials 10000 DA
- Additional paper 50%
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